Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Times They Are A Changin'

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen - my long awaited first blog. Aly (the best friend) has been trying to talk me into this for months, and if truth be told - it's her delightful cyber - space, clementineandmadeleine that finally pushed me to open one up of my own.'s amazing what having a little more time to rejuice creatively can do for a person. I only worked 35 hours this week and it feels like a vacation, I'm dancing around the house, singing songs of my own making, reading everything I can get my hands on - it's good to be back!

So here I am - just another girl, approaching thirtiesh...trying to make some sense of the day to day. Trying not to wax too philosophical, let things get too heavy, or appear too...too. Seeking answers, trying to ascertain whether the questions themselves are immaterial. You know, same old same old.

While standing in the kitchen making spaghetti sauce this evening, I was led to a little reflection of that very first time I attempted my own spaghetti sauce in that little studio kitchen in St. Louis. That night, I didn't know that I was supposed to brown the meat - Being the poor college student that I was though (I'd treated myself to a couple of dollars worth of protein that night, assuming that at least it would provide dinner for more than one night...) I resigned myself to eating it anyway, hours later, after trying the microwave...more was a disaster, I spent the rest of the night sitting next to my little studio toilet, threw out the spaghetti sauce in the morning, and never looked back. It's been almost ten years since those days and a lot has changed. Not only do I make a damned good spaghetti sauce now (add a pinch of clove, it's ggggreat!) but I've even managed to extend my menu...a little.

I don't really know what kind of introduction blog this is - or what the rules of blogging are. SHOULD there be an introduction blog? Do I need to tell you about myself? Say something witty and clever to get you on my side? I'm new to all of this, you see. I mean sure - I've done a little blogging around myspace - but that was just amongst friends. This, this is scary, this is out there - this is the great wide open. Are the rules that there are no rules?

I'm beginning to wonder why I felt compelled to write this blog after all. I've had several different thoughts of conception for it. Sometimes I think I'll go all Sex and the City and write about the adventure of dating an actor, moving in together - moving to a new city - and realizing that the most intimate things, like what facial wash he uses, are details shared by all his coworkers. Sometimes I think I might just be looking for some writing practice, or a way to keep up with friends who I don't see much anymore. Or perhaps I'll find some community of people confused about all the same things as me, read: everything and provide some desparately needed forum for us all to air our idosyncracies. Perhaps I just want to write about myself and imagine that there are folks actually interested. Or share those brilliant and profound insights so frequently popping into my head.

I think for now though - this is it. A little bit of everything - and I'm going to try real hard not to judge my sweet little blog, but just let it be, and evolve...the same way my spaghetti did.

1 comment:

AJ said...

Hurray! I'm so happy you're here! More soon. I doubt hospital policy allows for blogging... ;)