Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Year Before 30...

Only about 7 and a half months to go until I'm 30. But who's counting, right?
Actually, I'm pretty excited about it - I think I just keep getting better, and life certainly keeps getting better, every minute and every year. However, it is a strange sensation to recognize that in only a few short months, that illusive decade, "my 20's" will be over. How I thought I would never reach it...and then, just like that, it's over. Of course, I recognize that all of this pressure and symbolism is purely culturally based. We're taught that our 20's are supposed to be some time of wild debauchery and equally, of settling down and starting down a path. In truth, I think our 20's is just another set of 10 years to try out being human.

All that being said, it's still weird. 30. I think I'm gonna like it there. But in the meantime, a few lists.

Things I did not do in my 20's that I thought I probably would:
get married
have a baby
go to grad school
quit smoking

Things that I did do in my 20's:
Graduated with an undergrad degree in acting, magna cum laude
Got arrested
Moved back to MS, lived with my grandfather just before he died
Spent several months unemployed
Buried both my grandparents
Saw my parents divorce
Had my heart broken
Took a road trip for a month by myself
Began teaching
Moved to Chicago
Fell in love
Moved to Colorado
Bought a house
Started a company
Went to Europe, twice
Went to Las Vegas for the first time
Stood up for my two best girlfriends when they married their loves
Directed lots of my own plays, and got paid for it!

Anyway, there's a little taste. And hey - there's still 7 and a half months! Who knows what I might do in that time! WHOHOO!

1 comment:

AJ said...

It brings me mountains of joy to read your blog :)
Here's to our 30s!